Do you want to grow your own vegetables at home? If yes, you probably already know that growing them from seedlings or seeds is the easiest way. By planting these little babies in pots or containers, you can enjoy fresh produce throughout the year.

Growing your own vegetables has many advantages over buying them pre-packaged. Not only does it save money, but it also saves time. Plus, you get to choose exactly what goes into your food.

Vegetable gardening isn’t rocket science. In fact, it’s quite simple. The key to success lies in choosing the right plants and soil for each type of vegetable. There are wide varieties, so don’t worry about having too many choices. Just pick the ones you love and start growing.

Here are some best vegetables to grow in pots and containers

Tomatoes (Solanum Lycopersicum)

Tomato plants are easy to grow but require a lot of water. They can be started from seeds sown directly into the soil or transplanted when they have two sets of true leaves. Tomatoes thrives on full sun and well-drained soil enriched with compost.

It will grow just about anywhere, provided sufficient sunlight and moisture. You may need to stake tomato plants if they become top-heavy.

Peppers (Capsicum annuum)

Pepper plants are very easy to grow. They thrive on full sun and regular irrigation. Plant your peppers indoors to protect against frost until the first frost of fall. Then, transplant outdoors after all danger of frost has passed.

Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris)

Beans are relatively easy to grow. Starting beans from seed is as simple as adding them to a pot filled with moistened peat moss. Be sure to keep the soil moist at all times. Bean plants dislike dry soil, which can lead to root rot.

Provide plenty of light and mulch around the base of bean plants to prevent weeds from taking hold. Planting them where they receive full sun is ideal, although partial shade is acceptable.

Cucumbers (Cucumis sativus)

Cucumber plants are generally grown from seed, though they can also be purchased ready to plant. Seedlings should not sit in damp soil for more than a few hours before planting. They do not like drafts and should be kept away from windows.

Squash (Cucurbita pepo)

Squash is one of the easiest crops to grow. You can buy squash plants in nurseries and garden centers or sow your own from seeds. If you’re starting from seeds, plant them outside until the last frost date. Once everything is ready to go, provide ample amounts of fertilizer every three weeks.

Lettuce (Lactuca sativa)

Lettuce is another crop that’s easy to grow. Simply soak seeds overnight before planting them. Don’t let them sit in wet soil for more than a few hours. After planting, give lettuce plants adequate room to grow and plenty of organic matter added to their soil. Mulching helps keep weeds down and helps retain moisture.

Eggplants (Solanum melongena)

Eggplants are among the most popular vegetables grown in gardens across America. They are fairly easy to grow. Start eggplants by soaking seeds in warm water for 12 hours. Then place the seeds in plastic bags and store them in a cool, dark area for four days.

When planting, use a toothpick to poke holes through the paper bag and deposit your seeds into the ground. Keep the soil moist. Fertilize regularly. As soon as you see sprouts appear, remove any weeds.

Zucchini and summer squashes (Cucurbitaceae family)

Zucchini and other members of this family are easy to grow. All you need is a little space and lots of fresh air. Give zucchini and squash plants enough room to sprawl and cover themselves with organic matter.

In addition to fertilizing regularly, keep an eye out for pests such as aphids. The best way to deal with these pesky insects is to wash off any infestations using a hose simply.

Onion (Allium crenatum)

Onions are easy to grow and add flavor to many dishes. Growing onions requires less effort and money than buying them in stores. Just remember to keep onion bulbs covered when temperatures approach freezing. Otherwise, they’ll turn brown and become tough.

Garlic (Allium sativum)

Garlic is perhaps the easiest vegetable to grow. Plant cloves once they reach at least 4 inches long. Space cloves about 10 inches apart in all directions. Provide garlic with rich soil and plenty of light. Add compost to the soil and mulch around the base of the bulb.

Cut the tops off the clove to harvest and pull up the entire stalk. Place the stalks on a cutting board and slice the top of each clove. Remove the outer layer of papery skin.

Weeds are generally considered undesirable plants which compete with desirable plants for sunlight, nutrients, and water. Weeding is done to maintain healthy growth and prevent unwanted vegetation from taking over the yard. There are several ways to get rid of weeds: hand pulling, mowing, burning, or spraying herbicides.

Porch Pick

The Porch Pick bean varieties are available online and in select garden centers nationwide. This collection includes five different types of small white beans, including ‘PorchPick,’ ‘White Beauty,’ ‘Super Sweet,’ ‘Crispy,’ and ‘Tiny White.’ Beans are harvested in late summer and early fall, depending on the type. They are ready to eat within three weeks of planting.

Two main methods are used to grow plants indoors: hydroponics and container gardening. Hydroponic farming uses nutrient-rich solutions instead of soil. It allows growers to produce food year-round without worrying about weather conditions.


Beets are one of those vegetables that people either love or hate. And while there are plenty of reasons why you might not like beets, it’s hard to deny how delicious they can be. They’re sweet, earthy, and full of nutrients.

Plus, they look great in salads, soups, and even desserts. If you want to try growing some beets yourself, we’ve got everything you need to know.


Strawberry season is finally here. Strawberries have a short season during which they must be picked before they start to ripen. However, your strawberries will still taste good after picking them if you plan. You should harvest strawberries when they are pinkish-red and fully ripe. Wear gloves when harvesting strawberries because their delicate skins easily tear.

The first step to growing tomatoes indoors is choosing the right variety. Tomatoes come in hundreds of shapes, sizes, colors, and flavors. When selecting the type of tomato you want to grow, consider the following factors: size, shape, maturity, disease resistance, plant health, and yield potential. As always, make sure your tomato has been certified organic.


Celery is a versatile veggie that can be eaten raw, cooked, or juiced. It’s also an excellent source of fiber, vitamins A, C, and K, and folate (also known as folic acid). The best time to harvest celery is just before it goes to seed — this means the leaves turn yellowish green, and the flavor becomes milder.

For best results, choose varieties that mature mid-season or later. Choose a deep pot rather than shallow containers; these provide more space, allowing roots to spread out and develop properly.

Detroit Dark Red

Sweet, deep-red beets are a great choice for small spaces because they can be harvested when they are young and after they become more mature.

This variety produces beets that grow about three inches long, are ready to enjoy after 59 days, and produce three pounds each. Full sun is required for this plant. Burpee sells seed tape and seeds.

Sugar Snap Peas

Most varieties of sugar snap peas grow well in warmer climates. These quick-growing veggies are ideal for spring and summer harvests. Harvest sugar snaps peas when they are bright green and crisp. Once the pods start to dry up, they lose their crunchiness, and their color changes from vibrant green to brownish-gray. Avoid picking the pods until they reach their final color.

Green Zebra

These tasty little peppers are perfect for beginners because they require minimal care and grow quickly. You can expect to see fruit on your zebra pepper plants within 60 days. Green zebra peppers usually don’t get hotter than medium heat. They are suitable for hot sauce lovers.

Tulip Poplar

Poplars are easy to grow and add height to any garden. Tulip poplars are particularly popular because they flower in late fall and early winter. They bloom simultaneously like many other trees and shrubs, so they blend into the landscape beautifully.

Blue Lake

This heirloom variety has dark blue skin with red stripes. This variety was developed by breeding two types of heirlooms to create something new. Blue Lake fruits can only be grown in full sun. Don’t let this variety go to waste. Use its juicy flesh to make delicious jams and jellies.


Chard is a green vegetable that looks like spinach but tastes much sweeter and milder. This sturdy plant grows well in cool weather and needs little water once established.

The chard leaves are tender enough to eat raw, though you’ll find some varieties with tougher stems that you could cook up into soup or pasta sauce. You can even use chard stems to make stock.

You can buy chard seeds directly from seed companies or garden centers. They’re usually sold in small packets of 10 or 20 seeds. Plant them outdoors about 4 weeks before the average last frost date in your area. If you live where there is no frost, sow indoors 3 to 5 weeks before the last expected spring frost.

If you want to start growing chard inside, choose a sunny window, set the lights to a bright setting, and put the pots on shelves near windowsills. Water regularly, keeping the soil moist but not soggy. When the tops begin to yellow, thin out the plants to encourage bushier growth.

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

1. Which seed sprouts the fastest?

Fast-sprouting varieties include alyssum, bachelor’s button, cosmos, and marigold. These fast-spreading flowers are perfect for planting around walkways, patios, and borders.

2. Which plant helps you sleep?

The valerian plant’s sweet scent is not the only benefit of valerian plants. They have been used for centuries to cure insomnia, among other sleep disorders. Studies have shown that inhaling valerian root’s scent induces sleep and improves sleep quality. Take a sniff before going to bed, or add a few petals to your bath.

3. What do these vegetables remind you of?

Arugula grows best in full sun. It has soft, peppery leaves and a spicy flavor. Arugula pairs well with tomatoes and basil. To harvest arugula, cut the whole plant to ground level when it reaches 6 inches tall.

4. How long does it take to raise chickens?

Most people think raising chickens takes months, but it doesn’t. In fact, it typically takes just three weeks to raise one chicken—if you’ve got all the right equipment and know what you’re doing.

5. Are there wild strawberries?

Yes, there are. Wild strawberries grow throughout North America, especially in areas such as California, Oregon, and Washington. The berries ripen in June and July and are generally smaller than commercial strawberries.


I hope you learned how to grow various fresh herbs for your kitchen. Growing herbs at home allows you to enjoy their unique flavors while saving money and helping reduce our carbon footprint. Those vegetables are best grown in pots and containers.

About the Author

Virginia E. Hayes is a gardening enthusiast who loves to write about gardening tools, safety issues, and ways to keep gardens clean and safe. With her vast experience in gardening, she provides valuable insights and tips to help fellow gardening enthusiasts to enhance their gardening experience. Her passion for gardening and writing has made her a sought-after author in the gardening community.

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