There are several plants you can cultivate in raised bed gardens with the right conditions. Think about the numerous options. 

A raised bed garden is a creative way to plant your veggies, flowers, shrubs, and whatever you love. 

In raised bed gardens, you can control the soil for quality, creating a warm, well-draining, nutrient-rich growing environment for optimal root development and plant growth.

Raised beds can be designed in several ways so that you can get creative. It can be constructed from wood, metal, stone, and brick, but what to plant in a raised garden bed? Let’s explore some fabulous options.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and veggies are one of your top picks as they have a high need for nutrients, which makes them thrive in raised bed gardens. Here is a list of your favorite fruits and vegetables.


Tomatoes grow best in loose grounds where they can stretch their roots deep. They are sun-loving plants that can grow at the end of the raised garden bed. You can add a tomato cage for support.

The soil is also warmer, which gives tomatoes an extended season for early and late-season crops. It also has the advantage of covering the raised bed for a fall and winter harvest.


Brassicas are great for raised bed gardens but tend to be affected by hot climates. Thankfully, they will love the regulated temperature-raised bed gardens provide. 

What To Plant In Raised Bed Gardens - Proper Guide


Legumes are a great nitrogen attractor. So, they double as plant and soil nutrient boosters. Legumes have free-climbing varieties and freestanding species, and both can be planted in raised bed gardens.

Kale and Swiss Chard

If you need to plant some late-season crops in your raised beds, kale and Swiss chards are perfect.

They help to keep the soil compact and can be covered with cold frames or hoop houses to increase their growing season. These plants love cooler temperatures, so you are sure of a great harvest during winter and fall.


Carrots always meet the list of a raised bed plant. Raised beds have loose, well-drained soil, which carrots love compared to the rocky ground. But they can easily be kept under taller planting protection since their fruit grows underneath.

Beets and Radishes

Beet plants and radishes love loose soil like carrots and will always do well in raised gardens. Since they mature fast, they make an ideal succession-plant crop.


All it needs is to settle in the roots of a raised garden bed. Celery requires nutrient-filled soil with moisture and cool temperature. They also help to keep root nematodes and aphids away.


Potatoes love raised gardens as growing them in well-draining soil prevents them from rotting. The loose soil also enabled the tubers to form fully without any hindrance from rocks or dense soil. Potatoes thrive in a raised garden bed. 

Peppers and Eggplant

Fun pepper and eggplant are heavy feeders of nutrients and thrive in raised bed gardens. So it is easy for a gardener to provide plants with the nutrients and water they need while in a raised garden.


Cucumbers will flourish in raised beds. Allow them to cascade over the sides of raised beds or up trellises to maximize space for these prolific fruiting plants.

Plant In Raised Bed Gardens


Melons do great in raised beds. They love warm, nutrient-filled, pH-balanced soil with the right drainage.

Plant them around the edge of the raised garden where they can spin around. You can also use a trellis with all other structures to maximize space.

Plant TypePlant VarietiesPlanting TimeSun RequirementsSoil PreparationSpecial Considerations
VegetablesTomatoes, Peppers,Spring (afterFull sun (6-8 hoursWell-drained, richUse tomato cages or
Cucumbers, Zucchini,last frost)per daysoil with composttrellises for vining
Lettuce, Spinach,Berry bushes.
Carrots, Radishes
HerbsBasil, Thyme,Spring or fallFull sun to partialLoose, well-drainedPrune herbs to promote
Rosemary, Parsleysun (4-6 hours persoil with organicbushier growth and
day)matterenhance flavor.
FruitsStrawberries,Early springFull sun (6-8 hoursSandy loam with goodUse straw mulch for
Aries, Dwarf Fruitor late summerper daydrainagestrawberries.
ries, Dwarf FruitConsider trellising
Trees (e.g., DwarfBlueberries, Raspberry-
Apple, Peach)
FlowersMarigolds, Petunias,Spring or fallFull sun to partialWell-drained soil withDeadhead spent flowers
Zinnias, Sunflowerssun (4-6 hours perorganic matterfor continuous blooms.
Root VegetablesBeets, Carrots,Early spring orFull sun to partialLoose, well-drainedThin seedlings for
Radishes, Turnipslate summersunsoil, free of rocksproper spacing.
and debris
Climbing VinesPeas, Beans, Cucum-Spring (afterFull sun to partialEnriched soil withProvide support for
bers (verticallast frost)sun (4-6 hours percompost or organicclimbing varieties.
trellis), Melonsday)matter


Strawberry plants grow abundantly in warm soil with plenty of sunlight. And raised bed garden provides it all. It also protects the plant from menacing pests like slugs that feed on its fruits. 

Other plants include:

  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Arugula
  • Cabbage
  • Kale
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Chickpeas
  • Bush and Pole Bean Varieties
  • Peas
  • Lentils

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

1. What Are The Best Vegetables To Plant In Raised Bed Gardens?

The best vegetables for raised bed gardens include tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, carrots, and zucchini. These plants adapt well to the controlled environment of raised beds.

2. How Deep Should A Raised Bed Garden Be For Optimal Plant Growth?

For optimal plant growth, a raised bed garden should be at least 10-12 inches deep. This depth allows for proper root development and water retention.

3. What Type Of Soil Should I Use For My Raised Bed Garden?

Use a well-draining, nutrient-rich soil mix for raised bed gardens. A mix of topsoil, compost, and perlite or vermiculite works well to provide good drainage and nutrients for your plants.

4. Can I Grow Herbs In A Raised Bed Garden?

Yes, herbs like basil, mint, rosemary, and parsley thrive in raised bed gardens. Their compact growth makes them ideal for small spaces.

5. How often should I water my plants in a raised bed garden?

The frequency of watering depends on the weather and the type of plants. Still, as a general guideline, water your raised bed garden 1-2 inches per week, ensuring the soil remains consistently moist but not waterlogged.

Wrap Up!

The possibilities of what you can plant in raised bed gardens are endless. Regardless of what you plant, ensure to engage in routine maintenance of your garden. Fortunately, the garden style is also easier to maintain.  Also, supply the appropriate nutrients, water, feed, and other things your plants need for abundance, growth, and harvest.

About the Author

Virginia E. Hayes is a gardening enthusiast who loves to write about gardening tools, safety issues, and ways to keep gardens clean and safe. With her vast experience in gardening, she provides valuable insights and tips to help fellow gardening enthusiasts to enhance their gardening experience. Her passion for gardening and writing has made her a sought-after author in the gardening community.

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