The backyard of your home is the oasis where you can escape from all the chaos and noise outside. You can retreat into its green pastures, away from daily tasks such as feeding kids or working on paper.

But what if that little piece of paradise was just too plain? What if it had no design at all? There need to be some changes for this space to become more inviting, not just for yourself but for everyone who will come by looking for peace and tranquility.

What is garden exterior design?

Garden exterior design encompasses the overall look and feel of your garden, including the layout, planting scheme, hardscaping, and any features or structures. Considering these elements when planning your garden to create a cohesive and stylish space is important.

There are many different ways to approach exterior garden design, so finding a style that suits your taste and needs is important. Once you know what you want, you can start planning and designing your perfect garden.

What are some of the key considerations when designing a garden exterior?

Size: The size of the garden will dictate the type of plants and features that can be included. A large garden gives you more design and plant selection flexibility.

Side: The side of the house where the garden is located will also affect the design.

Scaping: This involves creating different levels and areas within the garden using plants, stones, and other materials.

Scheme: The garden’s overall color scheme should be considered when choosing plants and other features.

Back: The back of the house is often a focal point in landscaping, so this should be considered when designing the garden.

What are some common garden exterior design elements?

Plants: Plants are one of the most popular choices regarding exterior garden design. They add beauty and texture while providing shade and shelter. You can choose from hundreds of varieties and styles to suit your tastes.

Features: Features include anything that stands out from the rest of the landscape, such as waterfalls, ponds, fountains, sculptures, or arbors. These provide additional interest and character to the garden.

Hardscape: Hardscape includes everything that isn’t made of plants, including walls, fences, patios, steps, and walkways.

Landscape Lighting: Landscape lighting adds a soft glow to the night sky and provides illumination during the day.

Water Features: Water features include pools, streams, ponds, fountains, and waterfalls. They help to soften the harshness of concrete and stone and add visual appeal to the garden.

How To Make Your Garden Look Great with Some Simple Tips

If you’re considering starting a new gardening project, you may wonder how to make your garden look great with simple tips. If you’ve never gardened before, you might be surprised at how easy it is to get started. You only need a little time, patience, and basic tools.

1. Start Small

If you begin your gardening journey, you might not know exactly what you want to grow. Instead of tackling too much at once, why don’t you try growing something small first? For example, if you’d like to start growing vegetables, you could begin by planting a single tomato seedling. It would only take a few months for the plant to mature and produce fruit.

2. Choose Easy-to-Care for Plants

If you’ve ever tried growing flowers indoors, you probably know they require special care. However, if you grow them outdoors instead, you won’t have to worry about watering and fertilizing them. Many indoor plants do better outside than inside because they receive direct sunlight.

3. Use What You Have

Instead of buying expensive gardening supplies, why don’t you use what you already have around the home? For example, if empty pots are lying around, you could fill them with soil and plant seeds. Or, if you have old flowerpots sitting around, you could turn them upside down and place them on top of each other. This will create an interesting vertical arrangement of plants.

4. Grow More Than One Variety of Vegetables

When planning your garden, why don’t s you consider growing more than one variety of vegetables? For example, if tomatoes are your favorite food, you should also grow cherry tomatoes to enjoy fresh salads throughout the summer.

5. Plant Flowers That Are Suitable for The Climate

When choosing which flowers to plant in your garden, why do t you think about the climate where you live? For example, if your area has cold winters, you shouldn’t choose tropical flowers. On the other hand, if you live in a warm region, you should choose flowering plants that bloom all year long.

6. Add A Touch of Color

If you’d like your garden to stand out from the rest of your yard, you should consider adding a touch of color. For example, if you love bright red geraniums, you could plant them in a bed near your front door or backyard.

7. Create an Outdoor Room

You could build an outdoor room if you’d like a room that feels separate from your house. For example, you could install a patio cover over a section of your lawn. Then, sitting under this shelter makes you feel like relaxing in a different part of your backyard.

8. Build A Garden Bench

If you are spending lots of time enjoying your garden, then you should invest in a comfortable bench. For example, you can buy a wooden bench in your garden. Then, whenever you need to relax, you can sit down and read a book or watch the birds fly overhead.

9. Install Water Features

If you’re looking for a unique way to add beauty to your garden, you could install water features. For example, you may wish to install a fountain or a pond. These additions will help to make your garden look even more attractive.

10. Include Wildlife

You might want to include some birdhouses to attract Wildlife into your garden. For example, you might find birdhouses at local nurseries. Alternatively, you could purchase these items online.

11. Make Your Mulch

If you’ve never made mulch before, you should try it. It’s easy to do, and it makes your garden look beautiful. You could start by collecting leaves from your neighborhood park or neighbor’s yard. Then, you could spread these leaves across your garden beds.

12. Use Plants to Protect Your Home From Insects

Instead of using pesticides to protect your home from insects, why not use plants? For example, you could plant marigolds around your porch or flowerbeds. You could plant marigold seeds along your driveway if you have a large garden. This will keep mosquitoes away from your home.

13. Grow Edible Herbs

You could create a herb garden in your backyard. Why not grow basil, mint, oregano, rosemary, sage, thyme, chives, and pars?

One current trend in exterior garden design is to create outdoor living spaces that are as functional as beautiful. This means designing ample seating areas, cooking and dining areas, and even places to work or relax. Another trend is to use natural materials such as stone, wood, and plants to create a harmonious space that feels like an extension of the home.

How do you improve your garden exterior design?

You don’t necessarily need to hire a professional designer to create a beautiful garden exterior design. Instead, many homeowners create their designs using basic tools and supplies. Here’s how to get started:

1. Choose a location First, decide where to put your new garden. Is there enough sunlight? Are there any trees nearby that would block out light? Do you live near a busy road with heavy traffic? Think about all of these factors before choosing a spot.

2. Decide on a budget – Once you’ve chosen a location, consider what kind of money you will spend creating your garden. Will you pay someone else to do the job? Or will you do it yourself? Consider all this when deciding how much money you’ll allocate toward your project.

3. Create a plan – Now that you know where to build your garden, you’ll need to figure out exactly what you want to include. What type of plants do you want to grow? How big do you want each bed to be? Where will you position your benches, tables, and chairs?

4. Build your garden After you’ve created a plan for your garden, you can begin building it. Start by clearing out the area you’ve selected. Remove weeds, rocks, and other debris. Next, dig holes for planting beds. Add soil if necessary. Finally, add plants to your beds.

5. Water your garden – Be sure to water your garden regularly to stay healthy. You may also want to fertilize your plants once every month or two.

6. Enjoy your garden When your garden is finished, you’ll enjoy spending time outside. You’ll feel more connected to nature, which will make you happier. Plus, you’ll have a beautiful place to sit and relax.

How can I find more information about garden exterior design?

The internet is a wealth of resources for information about garden exterior design. You can find everything from design tips and tricks to full-blown landscape plans. If you’re unsure where to start, try searching for “garden exterior design” or “landscape design.”

Design books

Plenty of books are available on the subject if you want more in-depth information about garden exterior design. Landscape architecture books will usually have sections on garden design, and many dedicated gardening books can offer helpful advice. Try checking out your local library or bookstore for some good options.

Landscape architects

Hiring a landscape architect may be the best option if you’re looking for professional help with your garden exterior design. These professionals can create custom designs based on your specific needs and preferences. They can also guide you in choosing the right plants and materials for your project.

Online forums

There are tons of online communities devoted to garden exterior design. So many people post their projects, ask questions, and share ideas. There’s no shortage of great information here.

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

1. Can I use my existing lawn as part of my garden?

Sure. It’s perfectly fine to incorporate an existing lawn into your garden. Just remember that you should still mow it at least twice per week. This will keep it looking nice and green, but you don’t want to overdo it.

2. Should I plant grass in my garden?

Yes. You should. Grass helps to hold moisture in the ground, making it easier for your plants to thrive. It also provides a soft surface for children to play on.

3. Do I need to remove trees before starting my garden?

No. However, before beginning your project, you should consider removing any dead or dying trees. The roots of these trees can damage your foundation or pose a safety risk.

4. How do I choose the right plants for my garden?

It all depends on what kind of look you’re going for. For example, if you like natural landscapes, you might want to go with native plants. Or maybe you’d prefer something more formal. Either way, you’ll want to think about what you like and don’t like regarding plants.

5. What tools do I need to build my garden?

You’ll probably need a shovel, trowel, rake, wheelbarrow, clippers, pruners, and other basic gardening supplies. Depending on your project size, you may also need a ladder, saw, and power tools.


As you can see, there are many ways to get started with garden exterior design. Whether you hire a landscaper, buy a book, or just wing it yourself, you can achieve amazing results. We hope you’ve found our article helpful enough.

About the Author

Virginia E. Hayes is a gardening enthusiast who loves to write about gardening tools, safety issues, and ways to keep gardens clean and safe. With her vast experience in gardening, she provides valuable insights and tips to help fellow gardening enthusiasts to enhance their gardening experience. Her passion for gardening and writing has made her a sought-after author in the gardening community.

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