Shade perennials are some of the most beautiful flowering plants around. They bloom year after year without much effort and don’t require much water, either. If you live somewhere it gets hot during the day, plenty of shade perennials won’t wilt under the heat. These perennial favorites include hostas, astilbes, ferns, sedums, etc. Here are some great shade perennials that overflow with colorful blooms.

What are shade perennials?

When discussing “shade,” we typically refer to either partial or full shade. But there’s a third category of shade—an environment called “intermediate.” This is the area between full shade and full sun.

Partial shade is the most common type of shade. Think of it as being in a forested area where tall trees block the sun. In this case, plants grow well because they’re shaded from the midday sun. However, they still receive enough sunlight to help photosynthesis occur.

Full shade is similar to partial shade, except that the plants don’t receive direct sunlight. They’re surrounded by dense foliage and completely sheltered from the sun.

The intermediate shade is somewhere in between. Plants here are partially shaded, but leaves don’t fully cover them. Instead, they receive indirect sunlight. This means that while they’re not receiving direct sunlight, they can absorb some energy that would otherwise reach the ground.

The key thing to remember is that different types of shade require different varieties of flowering perennials. Suppose you live in a part of the world where summers are hot and dry. In that case, you’ll want to choose drought-tolerant species such as Echinacea purpurea ‘Moerheim Beauty’ or Salvia nemorosa ‘Husker Red.’ These plants are happy in intermediate shade and tolerate heat and drought better than many other perennials.

If you live in a cooler climate, you might prefer a variety of spring bulbs, such as Tulips or Crocuses. These plants bloom earlier than summer-blooming perennials, making them less likely to suffer damage from late frosts.

Here are Some Shade Perennials for Gardens

Bigroot Geranium

The big root geranium is one of the most popular shade garden plants because it tolerates hot weather and dry conditions, grows quickly, and offers attractive blooms throughout the summer.

Deer and rabbits usually ignore them, and even though they’re susceptible to powdery mildew, they don’t seem bothered by it. They grow best in average soils with good drainage and plenty of light, although they’ll tolerate partial shade. In early spring, some varieties produce beautiful red, orange, yellow, or white flowers.

Toad Lily

The elegant toad lily is one of the most popular plants grown in shade gardens because it produces showy blooms throughout summer. Its long stems reach up to 3 feet high and bloom in late spring to early fall. These fragrant white or pinkish flowers look like miniature tulips. They attract butterflies and hummingbirds.

This easy-to-grow plant requires little care. It grows best in full sun and well-drained soil. Water during dry spells, especially in hot weather. To keep it looking healthy, deadhead spent flower buds regularly. Divide clumps every three to five years to maintain vigorous growth.


Grown mainly for its attractive foliage, ajuga also offers bright blooms in the spring. Select varieties offer dark purple, variegated foliage, and pink or white flowers. A hardy perennial, ajuga grows best in average garden conditions, ideal for shady areas, borders, and rock gardens. It tolerates drought and poor soils and spreads quickly by sending up long runners.

Grow in full to partial shade under deciduous trees and shrubs; it does fine in hot climates, too. You can grow it in containers, but keep the roots cool. Use mulch around plants grown in pots to help retain moisture.


One of the most popular shade perennials, hostas are easy to grow and come in various colors, including blue, burgundy, green, gold, and silver. The leaves turn brilliant shades of red, orange, yellow, and brown in autumn. Wide varieties are deer-resistant, so you won’t need to worry about keeping your hostas safe from hungry critters.

Hostas do best in rich, fertile soil with lots of organic matter. Plant them where they get at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily. You may want to protect them in colder regions with a cold frame.


Since ancient times, the iris has been cultivated as one of the easiest shade perennials to grow. Their showy flowers are perfect for attracting pollinators such as bees and butterflies. When planted together, most varieties have large, flat leaves that form an umbrella shape.

Iris likes moist, well-drained soil and full sun. If you live in a region with harsh winters, consider planting some of these hardy species.


Also known as creeping lilies, this low-growing ground cover adds color to shady spots. Liriope is native to North America and Asia, and wide varieties are available.

They grow best in moist, well-draining soil and full sun. Keep them watered during dry periods, especially if temperatures drop below freezing. Deadheading helps prevent self-sowing.


Also called Japanese spurge, pachysandra is a fast-growing evergreen shrub perfect for creating a natural hedge. This tough, spiky plant has glossy, leathery leaves that grow in clusters along the branches.

It thrives in full sun and well-drained soil. It needs regular watering during dry spells, especially after heavy rains. Prune back old wood to encourage new growth.

Yellow Corydalis

This hardworking perennial takes the crown for being the longest bloomin’ bloomer in a shade garden. You’ll enjoy the clusters of yellow flowers starting in late spring into fall. They’re great for cutting and arranging.

The gray-green foliage looks good too. If you don’t want it to spread, deadhead the faded blooms once they’ve finished flowering. Yellow corydalis likes full sun and average moisture. Plant in rich, well-drained soils. Grow in groups of three or four.


This plant is one of those that you don’t see very often. But I’ve seen it lately, and it stands out among my garden beds. This low-growing, drought-tolerant ground cover is easy to grow and looks great in full sun or partial shade.

It grows about 8 inches tall and spreads quickly by underground rhizomes. This plant grows along roadsides and open fields throughout the United States.

The flowers bloom in late spring, usually around mid-May. They’re small, single, and come in shades of red, pink, orange, yellow, purple, or white. These little blossoms look like tiny daisies. Barrenwort is deer-resistant, and rabbits tend to ignore it.

Japanese Painted Fern

The Japanese-painted fern is a lovely shade perennial that grows best in full sun and moist conditions. Its leaves are dark green, glossy, and veined with red. The foliage turns a beautiful reddish brown in fall.

It blooms in spring, producing small white flowers atop long stems. In summer, the plants send out soft, feathery seedpods. These are often mistaken for lady slipper orchids but are ferns.

Deer and rabbits usually leave it undisturbed. Keep this plant in partial shade and water regularly during dry spells to grow it outside.


Lilyturf is one of those plants you know you want to grow. Its lush green leaves are perfect for cutting into bouquets, and its blue or white bloom spikes look great in flower arrangements. But did you know that lilyturf is a type of turfgrass? While most people think of lawns when they hear “lawn,” there are many different types of turf, including some that make excellent ground cover.

One of the most popular varieties is lilyturf, used widely throughout the United States because of its ability to withstand heat and drought.

It can be grown as an annual or perennial in any sunny spot your climate allows. Plant in early spring or fall. Water regularly during hot weather. Keep weeds under control. Lilyturf does not need fertilizer.


This hardy perennial is a favorite among gardeners who prefer a more natural look. It’s native to North America and Europe, and it’s been cultivated since ancient times. It’s known for its large, showy, bright red, trumpet-shaped flowers.

Sanguinaria is easily propagated from cuttings taken in late spring. It requires full sun and well-drained soil. It tolerates poor soil and drought. It’s deer-resistant.

Vinca Major

This plant is easy to grow and looks good in almost any garden bed. Vinca Major is a member of the periwinkle family, closely related to the Vinca minor (periwinkles). Both species have pretty, heart-shaped leaves and produce clusters of tiny, starry white flowers on stalks up to 2 feet high.

You can propagate these plants from seeds or cuttings. They do best in light shade and average soil. They tolerate drought and neglect.

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

1. What perennial flower stays in bloom the longest?

Among perennials with long flowering periods, Astilbe stands out. These plants are not only super easy to grow but thrive in sunny and shaded gardens and are filled with soft, feathery flowers that add months of beauty to any garden.

2. How do I get rid of spider mites?

Spider mite infestations are common in shady areas, especially if you don’t provide adequate ventilation. Try planting in full sun and watering deeply once every two weeks to prevent them. You may also spray your plants with insecticidal soap.

3. Which perennials should I use instead of grass?

If you’d like to replace grass with something else, consider using a mixture of sedums, hostas, and other low-growing, evergreen plants. This will help create a more attractive landscape.

4. Can I grow my herbs?

Herbs are a great way to save money and enjoy fresh food year-round. Start by choosing a few favorites and then learn how to grow them at home.

5. How do I keep my herb garden looking neat and tidy?

Herb gardens require little maintenance, so you’ll spend less time weeding and more time enjoying your bounty. Try growing herbs in pots or window boxes. If you’re short on space, you can even grow herbs indoors.


The list above contains all the information you need to choose the perennial shade for your garden. Those plants will surely make your shady garden stand out in everyone’s eyes. So, don’t be a couch potato; make your shady plants the right way.

About the Author

Virginia E. Hayes is a gardening enthusiast who loves to write about gardening tools, safety issues, and ways to keep gardens clean and safe. With her vast experience in gardening, she provides valuable insights and tips to help fellow gardening enthusiasts to enhance their gardening experience. Her passion for gardening and writing has made her a sought-after author in the gardening community.

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