how to start a garden for food gardeningsaz

Growing your food has several benefits. For example, you’ll save money because you won’t pay high prices at the grocery store anymore. Plus, you’ll get access to foods that aren’t widely available in supermarkets.

Do you need any more reasons to grow food? If you are like me, then you don’t. After knowing that, I started growing food in my garden, which was my best decision ever. Thanks to the garden, I can enjoy crunchy vegetables whenever I want. If you want to grow a food garden, follow the steps below.

Steps to start a vegetable garden

1. Choose a good location

Choosing a good location for your vegetable garden is key. If you pick a spot with too little sun, your plants won’t grow properly. And if you pick a spot with too much sun, you risk burning your crops. So you want to find a place that gets enough light but isn’t too hot.

For example, most tomatoes like 6 to 8 hours of sunshine daily. But wide varieties of peppers don’t do well unless they receive 10 hours of daily sun exposure. Conversely, leafy greens like kale, lettuce, collards, and spinach prefer cooler temperatures. Therefore, they perform better in areas that receive less than 5 hours of direct sunlight.

You can choose a sunny spot near your home or build a greenhouse in your backyard. Or, you might consider planting your garden in containers or even indoors.

2. Consider the size

Planting way more than anyone can eat or use is one of the most common mistakes beginners make. Don’t let zucchinis take over your attic unless you want them there. Starting small and growing only what you know you will consume is the best way to grow food for yourself and your family.

Dimensions of the garden

Gardening in the ground is possible with a 10′ by 10′ (100 square foot) plot. Choose three to five of your favorite vegetables and buy three to five plants each.

The 4′ x 4′ or the 4′ x 8′ is a good size for a raised bed for a beginner. Here’s what you need to know about building raised beds, what type of soil to use, and how to build them.

You should start with a 12′ x 24′ garden in the ground to go bigger. There would be three yellow squash hills, one zucchini mound, ten pepper plants, six tomato plants, 12 okra plants, a row of bush beans extending twelve feet, two cucumbers, two eggplants, six basil plants, one rosemary plant, and a few low-growing herbs such as oregano, thyme, and marjoram in a garden that feeds a family of four.

Make sure you have paths for weeding and harvesting every four feet or so, regardless of the size of your garden. Ensure your feet don’t step on any soil to reach the center of the row or bed easily.

3. Plan your home garden by deciding what to grow

If you eat it, grow it. My kids love tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers. But I’m happy to say we’re eating through the winter squash harvest. Since the summer heat wave hit, I’ve been looking forward to my annual zucchini bread baking session.

So what do I mean by “if you won’t eat it”? Well, let me explain. When I think about what I want to grow in my home garden, I realize there are many things I don’t care much for.

Things like kale, collard greens, arugula, mustard greens, turnips, radishes, Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, etc. These veggies aren’t necessarily bad, but I know myself and my family better than anyone, and I know what we enjoy eating. So, I stick to those foods and skip the rest.

If you decide to go down this path, take some time to figure out what you’d like to grow in your home garden. Do some research and ask around. Find out what grows best in your area and what doesn’t.

Then, focus on the produce items that you enjoy. Don’t worry about whether they’re easy to grow or not. Just pick something you’d like to try and give it a shot.

The beauty of home gardens is that you can experiment with different varieties and plant combinations without committing to anything long-term. And if you don’t like what you planted, you can start over again next spring.

4. Make a plan for your garden beds

The final part of planning your garden involves deciding how many garden beds you’ll need. You’ll need one large bed for each plant species, plus one or two additional smaller beds for vegetables. If you plan, you can save money and space by choosing raised beds over traditional ones.

Raised beds are attractive and make it easier to work around the beds. They also dry out faster than conventional gardens, although some people find that having a few inches of soil above the surface helps prevent weeds.

In arid climates, sunken beds can help conserve water.

Think about creating a block design for your garden rather than planting every row of plants separately. This way, you won’t end up stepping into the middle of the bed and compacting the soil.

Various sizes are available, but gardeners generally recommend three to four-foot widths. Smaller spaces encourage walking around the bed, while larger spaces discourage that behavior.

5. Plant

Most seed packets and transplant containers include basic planting instructions. You don’t need to know how to read a soil test report or how to calculate fertilizer needs; follow the instructions.

But once you’ve done the groundwork (literally), you have to jump in and plant – there are no rules of thumb for planting in a garden.

Just give it a try and see what happens. And remember, rules of thumb for planting are usually based on plants that grow well under ideal conditions. So don’t let that stop you from trying something different.

When is the best time to plant?

If you want to grow a full garden of veggies, it helps to know where and when to plant your crops.

Cool-season vegetables such as lettuce, Broccoli, and peas grow best in the cool temperatures of winter and spring. Warm-season vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers thrive in spring and summer warmer temperatures.

Not all vegetables are planted at once. “Cool-season” vegetables such as lettuce, Broccoli, and peas grow best in winter and spring cooler temperatures. In contrast, “warm-season” vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers don’t start growing until the soil warms in late spring and summer, says Mike Krieger, owner of Earthbound Farm in Lorton, Va.

When planting, remember to space out your seeds according to what stage of growth they’re in. For example, heirloom tomatoes — those colorful fruits grown from seed take longer to mature than hybrid varieties, so you’ll want to wait to sow them until later in the season.

What are some crops that can be grown in a garden for food?

Many vegetables can be grown in a garden for food. The most popular vegetables to grow are tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, squash, beans, and peas. All these vegetables can be eaten fresh or cooked in various dishes.


Fruits such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries can also be grown in a garden for food. These fruits can be eaten fresh or used to make pies, jams, and other desserts.


For food, herbs such as basil, oregano, rosemary, and thyme can also be grown in a garden. For example, these herbs can be used to flavor dishes or made into teas.

Here are some tips for planting a garden for food:

Crop rotation is growing various crops in the same area in sequential seasons. Crop rotation helps to replenish the nutrients in the soil that plants use and can also help to control pests and diseases.

Companion planting:

Companion planting is growing two or more different plants to benefit from their complementary growth habits or pest-repelling qualities. Companion planting can also help to improve soil fertility and increase crop yields.

Soil preparation:

Soil preparation is essential in gardening, as it helps plants access the nutrients they need for healthy growth. The type of soil preparation needed will vary depending on the grown plant but may include tilling, composting, or adding organic matter.


Watering is essential to gardening, as plants need water for photosynthesis and other metabolic processes. The amount and frequency of watering will vary depending on the type of plant being grown, as well as local weather conditions.


Weeds are one of the biggest problems in any garden, so staying on top is important. Hand-pulling weeds is the best way to get rid of them, but you can also use a hoe or other tool to loosen the soil and make it easier to pull them out.

Pest control:

Pests can be a big problem in any garden, but there are ways to control them without harmful chemicals. One way is to encourage beneficial insects like ladybugs and lacewings, which will help to keep pests in check.

You can also use physical barriers like nets or row covers to keep pests from getting to your crops.

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

1. What Vegetables Are Best For Beginners To Grow In A Food Garden?

As a beginner, you’ll want to start with vegetables that are relatively easy to grow. Some good options include lettuce, carrots, radishes, peas, kale, and cucumbers. These vegetables are generally forgiving, have shorter growing seasons, and don’t require extensive care.

2. How Do I Plan My Vegetable Garden From Scratch?

To plan your vegetable garden from scratch, start by identifying the available space in your backyard. Consider factors such as sunlight exposure, soil quality, and access to water.

Decide on the vegetables you want to grow and determine their spacing requirements. Sketch out a design or use garden planning tools available online to create a layout for your garden. This will help you make the most efficient use of space and ensure proper organization of your plants.

3. What Are The Essential Tools And Materials Needed To Start A Food Garden?

To start a food garden, you’ll need basic gardening tools such as a garden hose, hand trowel, pruning shears, and a rake. Additionally, you’ll need a garden bed or raised bed, high-quality soil mix, compost or fertilizer for nourishing the plants, seeds, or seedlings of the vegetables you want to grow, and a watering can or a hose for irrigation.

4. Can I Grow Vegetables Indoors?

Yes, you can grow vegetables indoors. Many leafy greens like lettuce and kale and herbs like basil and parsley can be grown indoors successfully. You’ll need to provide adequate light using grow lights or placing the plants near a bright window. Ensure proper air circulation, maintain appropriate humidity levels, and water the plants as needed.


We hope this article has helped answer all your questions about starting a garden for food. We’ve provided information about the basics of gardening, including topics like soil preparation, planting, and watering. Now grow your food and save your money.

About the Author

Virginia E. Hayes is a gardening enthusiast who loves to write about gardening tools, safety issues, and ways to keep gardens clean and safe. With her vast experience in gardening, she provides valuable insights and tips to help fellow gardening enthusiasts to enhance their gardening experience. Her passion for gardening and writing has made her a sought-after author in the gardening community.

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