It’s not easy, and it can be frustrating if your glue doesn’t dry. It is important to remember that the label on the bottle has never lied – sometimes, they lie about when their product dries in seconds, but this isn’t always true.

You’ll be disappointed with how long it takes for yours to harden up, or maybe even worse – you’ve used too much too early, so what do I do? This article will teach you two methods of drying glue quickly, which are guaranteed 100% effective.

Here is how to make fake water for dioramas using glue

What you need

To make fake water for dioramas, you will need glue, acrylic paint, puffy paint, picture frames, rocks, leaves, and a glass frame cover.

To start, mix the glue and acrylic paint in a bowl. Then, add the puffy paint to the mixture and stir until fully combined.

Here are The Steps

Step-1. Protect Your Water Areas by Blocking Them Off

Let’s say you are creating a small diorama depicting a river flowing into a lake. You want to make sure that everything looks realistic. To do this, you will need to block out the water areas. This step requires some planning since it involves a lot of trial and error.

The first thing you might want to consider is drawing out the shape of the water area on paper. Then, you will want to transfer those drawings onto the surface you are working on. If you don’t have enough space to work on, you could always tape off sections of your workspace.

Once you’ve drawn out the shape of the pond, you’ll need to start filling it in with different kinds of materials. For example, you could use pieces of wood to represent rocks along the shoreline. You could even use sandpaper to simulate pebbles.

You’ll also want to consider what color you’ll use for the water itself. Perhaps you want to use black because it makes things look very dark. Or maybe you’d like to try blue because it’s one of the most popular colors used to depict water.

After filling in the water area, you must decide whether you want to add elements, such as plants, trees, etc., to the scene. Generally, it’s best to wait until you have completed the rest of the steps before adding anything else.

Step-2. Glue it on

Let the glue dry completely before moving on to step 3. If you’re working with a large amount of glue, you might want to use a spray bottle to help control how much goes where.

The best way to ensure the glue doesn’t leak is to wrap some plastic over the container. This prevents the glue from getting wet and helps prevent it from dripping onto anything else.

Step-3. Adding More Layers

The final step in creating a diorama is adding additional layers of glue and paints. It will take some trial and error, depending on what you try to show. You might even find that you must make several attempts before getting something that looks good.

Once the glue has dried, add another layer and let it dry again. Then, do the same thing with another color. Continue layering up until you feel like the piece is done. Suppose you are making a diorama about a marine ecosystem. You might start with a bottom layer of seaweed, sand, and shells in that case. Then, you could add sediment, corals, fish, and small animals. Finally, you can add a few plants and rocks to finish the scene.

StepMaterials NeededInstructions
1Clear Drying Glue (e.g., PVA or white glue)Begin with a clean, flat surface as your diorama base.
2Acrylic Paint (Blue, Green, and White)Repeat steps 5-8 for deeper water to build up the desired depth. Ensure each layer dries before adding the next.
3Plastic ContainerMix blue and green acrylic paint to achieve the desired watercolor.
4Wooden Stir StickUse a wooden stir stick to blend the glue and water mixture until it’s uniform.
5Water-Based PaintbrushApply a thin layer of the glue-water mixture evenly across the diorama surface where you want the water feature.
6Acrylic Water Ripples (Optional)Add acrylic water ripples by lightly brushing white acrylic paint on the glued area while it’s still wet.
7Toothpick or Fine TweezersAdd acrylic water ripples by lightly brushing white paint on the glued area while it’s still wet.
8Allow to DryLet the glue-water mixture dry completely. This may take 24-48 hours, depending on the thickness.
9Additional LayersUse a toothpick or fine tweezers to place small objects (e.g., rocks, fish) in the water area while the glue is still wet.
10Final TouchesOnce dry, you can add details like underwater vegetation or reflections using acrylic paints.
11Sealant (Optional)Apply a clear sealant or varnish to protect and give a glossy finish to the water surface.

How to Make Fake Water Without Glue?

If you don’t have to assess any glue or don’t want to use glue, don’t worry about ways to do without any glue. Here is how-

1. Cover The Area With Toilet Paper

Place a layer of toilet paper over the area where water will be placed. Don’t worry if you haven’t completed the entire area, but do make sure it’s covered, and don’t worry if it’s not perfect yet; you will be able to move everything in shape later on.

The toilet paper you use does not have to be expensive either. It does not matter what kind of toilet paper you use; it will work just fine.

2. Mod Podge the toilet paper

Mod Podge is a clear, water-based product that protects surfaces such as furniture, wood, plastic, metal, glass, ceramics, canvas, leather, vinyl, plaster, tile, and even skin. You can use Mod Podge to coat almost anything you want to keep clean and shiny, and it dries clear.

If you are making a gift tag, you can cut out the shape of the tag and place it onto the surface of the item you wish to cover. Then, add a few drops of Mod Podge over the area where the tag will go. Once the Mod Podge has dried completely, you can trim off the excess around the edges of the tag.

3. Use a Brush to Shape the Surface of the Water

After that, the surface of the water is shaped with a brush. Start with small strokes and make sure you are moving gently and smoothly. Don’t overwork the surface. You want to keep the texture soft and smooth. Try to avoid making big swirls because they will look messy.

If you are working with a larger piece of water, you might want to divide it up into sections. This way, you won’t lose track of where you are and how much progress you’ve already made.

4. Painting Acrylic Paint on Dry Paper

Once you are done, let your paper dry overnight and then start painting it. After you finish painting, wait for about five minutes and then put another coat of paint on top of the previous one. Do this again and again until you feel like you have enough layers. When you are done, let it dry for a few hours. Now it is time to add the final touches.

For the next part, you will need to use acrylic paint. Use whatever colors you want, but make sure that the deep parts of the wave are painted dark and the shallower ones light. Besides painting white highlights on the waves and on the shoreline, you may also paint white highlights along the shoreline. Let the paint dry for several hours, and then you are ready to go home.

5. Varnish the surface with High Gloss Varnish

This final step will make your fake water look like actual water. If you want to add realism to your fake water, apply high-gloss varnishes on the surface.

Apply some varnish onto the whole surface of the water. Use a brush or spray can. Make sure you cover the entire surface evenly.

Let the varnish dry overnight.

You can use different kinds of varnishes. Try to find one that looks similar to the color of the water. For example, blue or green.

If you don’t want to spend too much money, try finding varnishes in small bottles. They cost less, and you won’t waste too much.

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

1. What Is The Best Way To Use Resin?

Pour a layer of resin mixture, keeping it within the designated section only, and allow it to cure over the curing period, which usually lasts 24-48 hours, depending on the brand.

2. What Is The Best Way To Create Artificial Water?

Several ways can be used to create artificial water for craft projects, but epoxy resin is the most popular.

3. What Is Epoxy Resin?

The material is a clear liquid plastic that slowly solidifies when exposed to sunlight after chemically hardening.

4. What Is The Best Way To Make Fake Water With Gel?

In a small pot, melt a small piece of candle gel wax until it becomes liquid and you have artificial water. It will prevent bubbles later if you let it cool a little bit. You can use any shade of blue coloring to color the wax next.


Creating realistic water effects for dioramas can be a fun and rewarding hobby. Using glue and following the step-by-step instructions, you can achieve stunning results that will bring your dioramas to life. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced modeler, this technique is accessible and affordable. So why not give it a try? Start making your dioramas stand out with realistic water effects using glue today!

About the Author

Virginia E. Hayes is a gardening enthusiast who loves to write about gardening tools, safety issues, and ways to keep gardens clean and safe. With her vast experience in gardening, she provides valuable insights and tips to help fellow gardening enthusiasts to enhance their gardening experience. Her passion for gardening and writing has made her a sought-after author in the gardening community.

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