Perennials are a great way to add color and life to your indoor and outdoor home. With the right care, perennials can be planted in containers for years of enjoyment. Container gardening is an easy way to bring nature into your home without taking up too much space. However, you must remember a few things while planting perennials in containers.

Such as choosing the right size container for the plant you’re growing is important. The container should have plenty of drainage holes to escape excess water and not drown the plant’s roots. Additionally, you’ll need to ensure the soil is well-draining and nutrient-rich so your perennial can thrive. Let’s not waste any more time on little details; learn in depth.

Can You Plant Perennials in Pots?

Yes, you can plant perennials in pots. Perennial plants are an excellent choice for container gardening. Not only do they come back year after year, but they also add color and texture to your outdoor space.

When planting perennials in containers, selecting the right pot type is important. Look for a pot with drainage holes so water will not become trapped in the soil and drown the roots of the plant. Also, choose a large pot for the type of perennial you’re planting.

Why Plant Perennials in Pots?

Growing perennials in containers is an excellent way to get a head start on the gardening season. By planting perennials in containers, you can enjoy beautiful blooms and foliage much earlier than if you were only planting annuals.

Perennials are hardier than annuals and can handle colder weather, so you can have your containers filled with beautiful plants as early as April. This gives you a month or more of growing time before the last frost date when you would normally be able to plant annuals.

Another great advantage of growing perennials in containers is that it allows gardeners to grow plants that wouldn’t normally thrive in their soil or climate. For example, if your soil is too acidic for certain plants, you can still grow them using a container with the right soil mix.

Similarly, if your climate is too cold for certain plants, they can be grown in containers and moved indoors during cold snaps. Growing perennials in containers also make moving them around easier to get the best possible light exposure throughout the day.

How to Make Perennial Containers?

The Right Container

When it comes to choosing a container for your plants, there are many options available. Plastic containers are lightweight, and the soil won’t dry out as quickly, but they may not be the most attractive choice. Clay containers have a classic look but can lose moisture more rapidly than other materials and can be quite heavy.

Wood containers provide an attractive, durable option, but they must be treated with a sealant or paint to protect them from the elements. Metal containers are strong and long-lasting but can become hot in direct sunlight.

No matter what material you choose for your container, make sure it has at least one drainage hole so excess water can escape. This will help prevent root rot and other problems caused by overwatering. Experimentation is key when it comes to choosing the right container for your plants; try different materials and sizes until you find something that works best for you.

The Right Soil

There are a few things to consider to choosing potting soil for containerized perennials. First and foremost, not all potting soils are created equally. Potting soil is not a good idea if it feels like topsoil when you pick it up.

Potting soil should be lighter in weight than topsoil. Good potting soil will give your plants the nutrients they need to thrive in their containers. Those who don’t have time or money to fertilize their plants will appreciate Miracle Grow’s potting mix that contains fertilizer already mixed in.

If you’re using plants that prefer sandy or scree-like conditions, you must ensure your potting soil accommodates those needs. You may need to add sand or other materials to the mix to create the perfect environment for your plants.

It’s important to research the type of plant you’re using and its preferred growing conditions before selecting potting soil to ensure your plants get what they need for optimal growth and health.


Good drainage is essential for any containerized perennials, as it helps to prevent root rot and other diseases. Without adequate drainage, the roots of the plants can become saturated and unable to absorb oxygen or nutrients.

To ensure proper drainage, any pot used should have at least one hole in the bottom. If the pot does not already have a hole, you can make one with a drill or other suitable tool.

Before filling the container with soil, it is important to screen the drainage holes so that the soil does not fall out of the bottom of the pot. This can be done using landscape fabric or self-adhesive fiberglass drywall joint tape.

Doing this will help keep your soil in place while allowing excess water to drain away from your plants’ roots. With proper drainage, your perennials will thrive in their containers for many years.

Picking Plants

When selecting plants for a container garden, it is important to consider foliage color, texture, and habit first. Heuchera PRIMO® ‘Black Pearl’ is an excellent choice for dark foliage all season long that can be used as a stand-alone or paired with other perennials.

The flowers of perennials are a secondary point of interest since they only appear for a limited amount of time. Therefore, choosing plants that look great even when not in bloom is essential.

Landscape designers often use the concept of “Thrillers, Fillers, and Spillers” when creating container gardens. Thrillers are typically tall plants with bold colors or interesting textures that draw the eye upward. Fillers are usually mid-sized plants with softer colors and textures that fill the space between thrillers and spillers.

Spillers are trailing plants that hang over the sides of the container and provide an interesting contrast to the other two types of plants. By combining these three elements together, you can create a beautiful container garden that will last throughout the year.

How to Maintenace Perennials?

Maintaining and grooming your perennials is important to keep them looking their best. Deadheading spent blossoms and removing any yellowing or dead foliage as soon as it appears will help promote rebloom and keep the plants looking their best.

Additionally, supplementing with a weak solution of liquid fertilizer every 3-4 weeks will help ensure that your plants get the nutrients they need to stay healthy.

Repotting containerized perennials each spring is also beneficial for their health. Plants will grow vigorously and healthy if you provide fresh soil rich in nutrients and some slow-release fertilizer mixed in.

Taking the time to groom and maintain your perennials will pay off in the long run, ensuring that you have beautiful blooms all season long.

Did Container Perennials Need Special Care?

Containerized perennials require special treatment to overwinter successfully because temperature fluctuations are greater above ground than below it. This means perennials grown in containers are less cold-hardy and more prone to injury.

It is important to use a larger pot with a larger volume of soil to increase the chances of successful overwintering. This will help insulate the roots from freezing and desiccating. Perennials in warmer climates or those with reliable snow cover are generally easier to overwinter as they have more protection from the elements.

However, extra measures must be taken in places with unreliable snow cover or colder climates to ensure that containerized perennials survive the winter months.

This may include mulching around the base of the plant, wrapping them in burlap or other protective material, and providing additional insulation for their roots. These steps can help ensure that your containerized perennials make it through the winter months unscathed.

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

1. What is the best time to plant perennials?

The best time to plant perennials depends on the climate and region in which you live. In general, it is best to plant them in spring or fall. Planting in spring gives perennials a chance to establish their roots before the summer heat sets in. Fall planting allows for adequate growth time before winter dormancy.

2. Can you plant perennials in pots?

Yes, it is possible to plant perennials in pots. Using a pot with adequate drainage and a good-quality soil mix is important to ensure the plants have enough room to grow and receive proper nutrition. Additionally, it is important to provide extra insulation during cold months to protect containerized perennials from temperature fluctuations.

3. How often should you water perennials in pots?

The watering frequency depends on the perennial and the size of the pot. Generally, it is best to water containerized perennials when the top inch or two of soil is dry. Overwatering can cause root rot, so checking soil moisture levels before watering is important. Additionally, liquid fertilizer every 3 -4 weeks can help keep your perennials healthy and vigorous.

4. How often should you report perennials in pots?

It is generally recommended to report containerized perennials every one to two years. This will ensure that the soil remains fresh and nutrient-rich and that the roots can spread out. It is also important to groom and maintain your perennials, which includes deadheading spent blooms and trimming any leggy or straggly growth.

5. What type of soil is best for perennials in pots?

Using a good-quality soil mix is important when planting perennials in containers. A well-draining, nutrient-rich potting mix is ideal as it allows the roots to spread and receive adequate nutrition. Additionally, adding organic matter such as compost or aged manure can help improve drainage and aeration of the soil.


Plant perennials in pots may be planted, but extra measures must be taken to ensure the plants survive the winter months. This includes using a larger pot with a larger soil volume and providing additional insulation from temperature fluctuations. If you keep all those in mind, you can easily grow perennials in containers.

About the Author

Virginia E. Hayes is a gardening enthusiast who loves to write about gardening tools, safety issues, and ways to keep gardens clean and safe. With her vast experience in gardening, she provides valuable insights and tips to help fellow gardening enthusiasts to enhance their gardening experience. Her passion for gardening and writing has made her a sought-after author in the gardening community.

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