Rooftop gardening is a great way to add some green to your home and enjoy the outdoors. With the right plants, you can create a beautiful oasis on your rooftop that will provide shade, privacy, and beauty. From groundcovers to shrubs, many plants can thrive in rooftop gardens. 

Groundcovers like sedum, thyme, and creeping phlox are perfect for covering large areas quickly. They’re low-maintenance and drought-tolerant, making them ideal for rooftops with limited space or water access.

Rooftop gardens provide shade and privacy from neighbors or passersby. Also, you don’t need to go outside to get fresh air or use some green environment at your home. Those 10 plants are best for a rooftop garden. Read on and learn about those plants.

Here are the 10 Best Plants to Enhance The Beauty of Your Rooftop Gardens

1. Kousa Dogwood

The Kousa dogwood (Cornus kousa) is a small tree that is hardy to Zone 5, making it an ideal choice for rooftop gardens. It typically reaches a maximum height of 30 feet, and its small size makes it perfect for foundation plantings.

In springtime, the Kousa dogwood produces beautiful white to pink flowers that will brighten any garden. During the summer, the foliage turns a deep green color, providing a lush backdrop for other plants in the garden.

In autumn, the Kousa dogwood’s leaves turn to a red-purple hue and produce fruit in August. The fruit is edible and can be used in jams, jellies, or enjoyed fresh off the tree. The colorful foliage and fruit make this tree an excellent addition to any landscape during the fall season.

With its low maintenance requirements and stunning seasonal displays, the Kousa dogwood is an excellent choice for any gardener looking to add beauty to their outdoor space.

Rooftop Gardens

2. Lavender

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is a fragrant herb that is perfect for rooftop gardens. It is drought-tolerant and can tolerate heat and wind, making it an ideal choice for exposed rooftops.

The plant produces beautiful purple flowers in the summertime that attract bees and butterflies to the garden. The foliage of lavender has a pleasant scent when brushed against it, adding another layer of beauty to the garden.

3. Rosemary

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is an evergreen shrub that is hardy to Zone 8, making it an excellent choice for rooftop gardens in warmer climates. It grows quickly and can reach heights of up to 6 feet tall, providing a lush backdrop for other plants in the garden.

The leaves are fragrant when crushed, adding another layer of beauty to the garden. Rosemary also produces blue flowers in the springtime that will attract pollinators to your rooftop oasis.

4. Japanese Maple

The Japanese maple (Acer palmatum) is a small tree that is hardy to Zone 5, making it an ideal choice for rooftop gardens with limited space or exposure to wind and sun. It typically reaches a maximum height of 20 feet, and its small size makes it perfect for foundation plantings.

In springtime, the Japanese maple produces beautiful red or purple foliage that will brighten any garden. During the summer, the foliage turns to a deep green color, providing a lush backdrop for other plants in the garden.

5. Sedum

Sedum (Sedum spp .) is a low-growing succulent perfect for rooftop gardens. It is drought-tolerant and can tolerate heat and wind, making it an ideal choice for exposed rooftops. The plant produces beautiful pink or yellow flowers in the summertime that attract bees and butterflies to the garden.

The foliage of the sedum has a pleasant texture when touched, adding another layer of beauty to the garden. With its low maintenance requirements and stunning seasonal displays, sedum is an excellent choice for any gardener looking to add beauty to their outdoor space.

6. Thyme

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is a fragrant herb that is perfect for rooftop gardens. It is drought-tolerant and can tolerate heat and wind, making it an ideal choice for exposed rooftops. The foliage of thyme has a pleasant scent when brushed against it, adding another layer of beauty to the garden.

With its low maintenance requirements and stunning seasonal displays, thyme is an excellent choice for any gardener looking to add beauty to their outdoor space.

7. Oregano

Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is a fragrant herb that is perfect for rooftop gardens. It is drought-tolerant and can tolerate heat and wind, making it an ideal choice for exposed rooftops. The foliage of oregano has a pleasant scent when brushed against it, adding another layer of beauty to the garden.

With its low maintenance requirements and stunning seasonal displays, oregano is an excellent choice for any gardener looking to add beauty to their outdoor space.

8. ‘Blue Star’ Juniper

The Blue Star Juniper, also known as single-seed juniper, is a popular shrub variety that is renowned for its attractive silvery-blue needles. It is a dwarf variety of juniper that typically grows to about 3 feet tall and produces mounds of needles.

This hardy shrub is suitable for growing in Zones 4-8 and makes an excellent accent or container plant for rooftop gardens.

The Blue Star Juniper has a unique look that sets it apart from other varieties of juniper. Its slender needles have a distinct silvery-blue hue that adds interest and color to any garden setting. The foliage is dense and full, creating an eye-catching display when planted in groups or used as a border around other plants.

With its low maintenance requirements and easy care needs, the Blue Star Juniper is an ideal choice for busy gardeners who want to add some color and texture to their outdoor space.

9. Dwarf Hinoki Cypress

The Dwarf Hinoki Cypress is a beautiful evergreen tree that is perfect for any garden. It has fanlike foliage and a yellowish-green color that stands out among other plants. This slow-growing tree will reach only 3 feet tall at its mature height, making it an ideal choice for small gardens or containers. The Dwarf Hinoki Cypress requires regular watering but is otherwise low-care and hardy in Zones 5-9.

This evergreen tree can be used to brighten up corners on a rooftop garden or as part of container combinations with other plants. Its unique shape and color make it an eye-catching addition to any landscape.

The Dwarf Hinoki Cypress is also known for its ability to tolerate drought conditions, making it an excellent choice for those living in dry climates. This evergreen can provide years of beauty and enjoyment to your garden or outdoor space with proper care.

Rooftop Gardens

10. ‘Big Daddy’ Hosta

Hosta ‘Big Daddy’ is a great choice for rooftop gardens, as its large blue-green leaves contrast the surrounding foliage. This hardy perennial is suitable for Zones 3-8 and can be used to fill in shadier spots on the roof.

The impressive hosta size makes it ideal for cutting and using as foliage in bouquets, adding an extra touch of beauty to any garden.

The deep color of Big Daddy’s leaves will bring life and vibrancy to any rooftop garden. It’s easy to care for, requiring only minimal maintenance such as occasional trimming or fertilizing. With its ability to thrive in both sun and shade, this hosta is perfect for creating a lush oasis on your rooftop.

Its big size also means that it can be used as a focal point or backdrop in your garden design, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to add drama and texture to their outdoor space.

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

1. What are the critical elements of a rooftop garden?

Since the plants are more diverse, there is a greater need for maintenance. Other factors to consider when planning an intensive rooftop garden include the roof’s condition, structural and weight capacity, access, cost, irrigation, and drainage.

2. What are the best plants for a rooftop garden?

The best plants for a rooftop garden depend on the climate and conditions of the roof, as well as personal preference. Some popular options include Blue Star Juniper, Dwarf Hinoki Cypress, ‘Big Daddy’ Hosta, Sedum, Lavender, and Thyme. These plants are all low-maintenance and can tolerate drought conditions.

3. What is the best way to care for rooftop plants?

The best way to care for rooftop plants is to ensure they receive adequate sunlight, water, and nutrients. Depending on the type of plant, you may need to prune or trim them regularly and fertilize them every few months. Additionally, it’s important to watch out for pests and diseases that could affect your plants.

4. How do I choose the right plants for my rooftop garden?

When choosing plants for your rooftop garden, it’s important to consider the climate and conditions of the roof and your personal preferences. You should also consider how much maintenance you are willing to do and whether or not you need drought-tolerant plants. Additionally, selecting plants that will thrive in the amount of sunlight available is important.

5. What are some tips for creating a successful rooftop garden?

Some tips for creating a successful rooftop garden include choosing the right plants, ensuring adequate drainage, and providing regular maintenance. Additionally, it’s important to consider the roof’s condition and weight capacity when planning an intensive rooftop garden. It’s also helpful to use containers or raised beds to make accessing and caring for the plants easier.


‘Big Daddy’ Hosta is an excellent choice for rooftop gardens due to its large size and ability to thrive in both sun and shade. It’s easy to care for, requiring only minimal maintenance such as occasional trimming or fertilizing. However, the other plants also make the perfect choice for a rooftop garden. Whichever plant you choose, just be sure to take proper care of it.

About the Author

Virginia E. Hayes is a gardening enthusiast who loves to write about gardening tools, safety issues, and ways to keep gardens clean and safe. With her vast experience in gardening, she provides valuable insights and tips to help fellow gardening enthusiasts to enhance their gardening experience. Her passion for gardening and writing has made her a sought-after author in the gardening community.

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